Are you a Grieving Guy?
The Men’s Grief Support Group was established for men who have lost a loved one and who are, consequently, dealing with a changed life (even a changed world). Ours is a small group of men who each in his own way is on a similar journey. We meet monthly to be together, to talk and to listen in supportive and respectful ways. It is not about instruction or the giving or receiving of advice, but there are often elements of encouragement and learning as we hear each others (and even as we hear ourselves) telling our stories.
When we are grieving, we may feel we have little energy for anything ‘extra’, but we may also appreciate that we cannot do this grief thing all by ourselves. This unwanted unchosen but also unavoidable experience demands a lot of a person. We need each other at such times.
We hope that you will be able to join us. Pre-registration is required; please call 604-531-7484 and ask to speak to a counsellor.